NYWC Celebrates NaNoWriMo!

Want to push yourself and your writing forward this fall? Join NYWC in November as we take on National Novel Writing Month!

Since NaNoWriMo began in 1999, hundreds of thousands of people have spent the month of November writing at least 50,000 words toward ongoing projects. We want to help keep those of you participating in NaNoWriMo going by offering three Work Rooms a week, Write-Ins on Tuesday mornings, and an end-of-month Mic Check. Join NYWC’s community as we support and cheer each other on. If you have a NaNoWriMo account and would like to connect with other NYWC writers, email your profile link to our Executive Director Aaron Zimmerman at aaron@nywriterscoalition.org for an invite to our NaNoWriMo team!

NaNoWriMo Work Rooms led by Aaron Zimmerman

NYWC’s Work Room is a virtual space to plug away on all those writing projects you have lined up—including your next novel! Participants will gather for an hour to work together silently on whatever writing project they choose that week. Click the day of the week below to register.

MONDAYS, November 6-27
7- 8 p.m. ET

WEDNESDAYS, November 1-29
9-10 a.m. ET

FRIDAYS, November 3-24
12-1 p.m. ET

NaNoWriMo Write-Ins led by UGBA

NYWC’s Write-ins are for participants who may be unable to commit to a longer-term experience. These 90-minute generative writing sessions also allow you to read your work on the spot.

TUESDAYS, November 7-28
7- 8:30 p.m. ET

NaNoWriMo Mic Check

NYWC’s Mic Check is an opportunity for our workshop attendees and leaders to share writing they’ve created this month in our virtual workshops with the wider NY Writers Coalition community.

THURSDAY, November 30
7- 8:30 p.m. ET