Workshop sign ups go live Wednesday, May 15 / 7:00 pm ET
Thursdays, June 6 – June 27
12 – 2 P.M. ET
Seasons come & go; what if we shift with them too? Writing in Ritual with L is designed to cultivate answers to questions that are coming up in our lives, using the knowledge we each have deep within. Seasoning Through Life’s Seasons is an invitation to gather with others to practice rituals around writing & storytelling that will help us in transitioning through seasons with purpose & intentionality.
What are the tools we might need for the upcoming season? what did we harvest in the prior season & did it ripen well? how can we develop an understanding of ourselves, in relation to principles of nature, to guide our realities? as we move into the summer solstice along with the sun, each week of this workshop will offer metaphorical themes that address these questions. each week will be inspired by an aspect of the sun, including the crown (corona), the color sphere (chromosphere), the light sphere (photosphere), & the summer solstice itself on Thursday 6/20/24.
We’ll explore different areas of interest through writing, from writing warm-ups with music & astrological tidbits to short scientific clips about the layers of the sun. you’ll have the option to return to old writing from previous seasons of your life & generate new work guided by prompts from L. there will also be opportunities to share your writing & musings aloud with other souls & hear what they pour out, too. as we beam alongside nature’s rays this season, let us remember, document, & tell our stories using the abundance of our spiritual seasoning cabinets to cultivate writing lives that are more in tune with the Earth.
No previous explicit writing or ritual experience is required to participate in this workshop, but we ask that you come with a spirit of openness & willingness to talk & write with others. although attending all four sessions is encouraged for an optimal communal experience, you can also select specific sessions that resonate based on your schedule & personal journey. if any pressing thoughts or inquiries arise as you consider writing in ritual with L, you can reach them directly at letterLthebrand@gmail.com.
Please read our workshop guidelines and community agreements before registering for this or any other workshops.
hey yall, i go by L (they|them) & identify as a facilitator of otherworldly & revolutionary, healing & storytelling. what that means is my discernment, holistic wisdom, & abundance mindset are nourished & sustained through spiritual practices, revolutionaries, & storytelling. my joy is to merge these worlds & strengthen my practice by facilitating spaces that conduce healing on planet Earth. each of my workshops consists of embodying the rituals of writing through a collective journey of storytelling, co-curated by community. if this calls to you, let’s write about it!