Doubts On Writing Poetry

by Melva C. Lewis

I had doubts
Never thought I could write poetry
2020 comes
I join a poetry workshop, on zoom
Turn old writings, essays
Into wanna-be poems
It’s difficult, unsatisfying.

One day
I make a clean break
Begin a poem as a poem
From beginning to end
Fresh, clean, original
I like it
Feels right
My soul knows.

I keep writing
Workshop members, friends, family
Encourage and applaud
The biggest surprise
No more doubts
Like it or not
Published or not
Writing fuels me.

When I write
I discover
New treasures
New joys
New wonders.

I’m in love.


Escribiendo Poesía Y Dudas

Tenia dudas
No pensé que podria escribir poesía
Llega el 2020
En un taller de poesía, en zoom
Convierto viejos escritos, ensayos
En poemas
Es dificil, insatisfactorio.

Un día
Empiezo de limpio
Creo un poema
Del principio al final
Fresco, original
Me encanta
Se siente bien
Mi alma lo sabe.

Sigo escribiendo
Miembros del taller, amigos y familia
Me animan y aplauden
La mayor sorpresa
No tengo dudas
Guste o no
Publiquese o no
Escribir me trae alegría
Alimenta mi alma.

Cuando escribo
Descubro tesoros
Me enamoro.



Doubt it’s insidious
It gets into you
Wraps around you
Keeps you from doing
What you want to do
What you have to do
That you need to do

Doubt is fear
Fear of not performing
Of not doing well
Of the unknown
Doubt about not knowing
Slows you down
Stops you
Kills your creativity
Sucks your strength

Doubt gets in your way
You must fight it
Overcome it
Lock it in a box
Crush it
Doubt can make you angry
Use the anger
To give you impetus
The get up and go
To do what you have to

Doubt, doubt, doubt
Everybody has doubt
Its always around
It’s how you handle doubt
That makes a difference
Say no to doubt
And yes to you.