Brooklyn Exposed: NYWC one of Brooklyn’s best workshops

So, you want to be a writer. You sit in cafes in Park Slope, downing cup after cup of free-refill coffee, raptaptapping away at your computer while Miles Davis records play in the background. You email your stories to a few close friends, and they encourage you to “keep at it,” that you’ve got a real gift. But they’re your friends, what else are they going to say? What you really need is an environment in which strangers who know what they’re talking about can give you their real opinions, where trained professionals can provide constructive feedback, where weekly constrained assignments give your writing some discipline and structure. You need…a writing workshop.
—Simone Waugh, Brooklyn Exposed
Read “Brooklyn’s 5 Best Writing Workshops” here on Brooklyn Exposed, featuring NYWC’s drop-in workshops and the offerings of a few other amazing writing workshops — plus learn on how you can write with NYWC here.