NY Times: 2009 Fort Greene Park Summer Literary Festival

Our workshops for young people in Fort Greene Park are featured on the NY Times website.  Check it out here and also listen to 11-year-old Anjelica Amog readone of her poems!  More poems by our amazing young writers will be featured in the weeks to come.

Added 8/6:  call for illustrators and a poem by 12-year-old Jarrett Moore

Added 8/13:  A Poem Is by 8-year-old Aidan Amog (with illustration!)

Added 8/17:  My Heart by 9-year-old Talaia Regist

Added 8/18:  I Wish by 7-year-old Evan Campbell

Added 8/19:  Outside My Window by 11-year-old Karen Marks, with illustration by Pascale Leone, 8-year-old member of our Ridge Kids workshop

Added 8/20:  Magic Telephone and a Man-Eating Shark by 10-year-old David Nduka, with illustration by Tristan Leone, 6-year-old member of our Ridge Kids workshop

Added 8/21: Poems by 8-year-old Ashley Quarless, 11-year-old Joseph Francois,  and 11-year-old Tristan Regist