The Huffington Post: NY Writers Coalition, Writing Saves Lives

Workshop leader, Andrea Chalupa wrote about NYWC for The Huffington Post. She highlights the impact our writing workshops have for people of all backgrounds, including our workshop at the Jan Hus Neighborhood House. Read an excerpt here:

In a letter to friends, F. Scott Fitzegerald wrote, “A writer not writing is practically a maniac within himself.” Those bitten by “the bug” would agree, but what about writing as a soothing outlet for everyone? That is the idea behind the New York Writers Coalition, a Brooklyn-based non-profit that organizes writing workshops for historically underserved communities: homeless shelters, prisons, at risk youth, immigrants, senior citizens. As someone who’s coordinated one such group, I can tell you that some of my most magical writing came from that workshop and I witnessed literary miracles from the participants, like the mythical perfect first draft, which I will share at the end of this post.

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