BRIC TV: What’s next? NYWC Youth All-Stars featured in 5×10 Talks [VIDEO]
Watch Atira Barber-Ellis and Mariah Thomas, two young writers featured at Downtown Brooklyn Partnership’s 5×10 Talks to answer “What’s next?”
Watch Atira Barber-Ellis and Mariah Thomas, two young writers featured at Downtown Brooklyn Partnership’s 5×10 Talks to answer “What’s next?”
Today the Huffington Post hears from one of our volunteers: NYWC Workshop Leader Colleen Pierce Breslin: “Faith takes many forms.
Congratulations to Iniko Thornell, whose poem “Big Brother” was featured on NYWC’s Sing Me a Story page and made into a song by Warped Tour band Anberlin. Check out the music video, recorded on the John Lennon Educational Tour Bus.
You can always find love in Brooklyn. NYWC drop-in workshops at 80 Arts and Brooklyn Public Library are among the best writing workshop opportunities in the borough according to Brooklyn Exposed.
Read the rest of “Writing Your Way to Success”
Read the rest of “Budding Writers Read their Work at the 9th Annual Fort Greene Park Summer Literary Festival
After six weeks of writing together in Fort Greene Park, NYWC’s youth community celebrated another creative summer at the 9th Annual Fort Greene Park Summer Literary Festival.
One of the rainiest Saturdays this summer was a source of inspiration for a catchy ditty on the ukulele, as youth gathered in — and around.
On Friday, May 18, 2012, people gathered from all five boroughs to celebrate NY Writers Coalition Day with writing workshops in iconic spots throughout New York.
On Saturday, some 30 young writers will read poetry and fiction alongside well-known Brooklyn writers at Fort Greene Park’s monument.